Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

To find books for your specific university and course, open the Rahul Publications app and select the "Browse Books" option. You can then filter books by university, semester, and course. This will show you a curated list of books that match your academic requirements.
Yes, you can receive notifications for new arrivals and discounts. Ensure that you have enabled notifications in the app settings. Once enabled, you will receive timely updates about new books, special offers, and discounts directly on your device.
To place an order, browse through the catalog and select the book you wish to purchase. Click on the "Add to Cart" button, then proceed to the checkout by selecting the cart icon. Follow the prompts to enter your shipping details and choose your preferred payment method to complete the purchase.
If you encounter any issues with your order, please contact our customer support team through the "Support" section in the app. Provide your order details and a description of the issue, and our team will assist you in resolving the problem as quickly as possible.
To track your order status, go to the "My Orders" section in the app. Select the order you want to track, and you will see the current status along with tracking information if the order has been shipped. You will also receive updates via email and push notifications regarding the progress of your order.